Saturday, February 5, 2011

Plastic Beads Gang New York

look what this world have done to me ... it's actually dangerous

And no matter how carefully I always regards every day it confuses me more and more and more. ..
Well, it's nice to hear your voice. I hope you're alright and if you've ever asked, I'm lonely tonight. I'm here lost in this moment and time passes on and on.
If I only had one wish, I would want to have you by my side.
It is perhaps in the life of any one of the hardest setbacks, that if you with someone with whom one has spent a lot of time, and believed to have been as precluding a meaning that if at some point the moment comes when you need it and where you say 'Hey, here I am. Is'es Now, here we go not so good to me. Here I am. " and then he's gone and you thought that perhaps for others what is special. And at some point you realize .. ok, maybe that was just the Hope, and maybe that was the wish that the other means so much. And then you realize that it is not so, then perhaps it does, very, very painful. - Philipp Poisel.
I've written 'grade in my journal, which is me so on his mind. For so long I have not done more. Far too long. It feels good to write down everything that employs a so-what a rumschwirrt in the head. Music running in the background, but I can not concentrate on anything more, what's happening around me. I would crawl just like to, but have fear of being alone with me. I can not control my thoughts at all, can not concentrate, my head would just turn off the most. But unfortunately this is sometimes not returned ...
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