Thursday, February 10, 2011

39 Weeks Partial Mucus Plug

Finally it's there - The bath book for adults

Who does not know the PVC plastic bathtub books for our little ones? I think every mother had the pleasure of the their infant at least one has possessed. These resilient little book that have been through even the most wet fun without it falling apart, with which you are engaged in child in the bath was finished until it was washed.

And what adult has not often thought about such a book when he rose with his favorite book, or the exciting thriller in the hot tub to browse in peace while swimming?
And who has not ever been disappointed by the fact that the waves or by the humid heat. Often you * also * Books and wet hands may not have just a little. They are here very sensitive!

But not anymore, because now there are more exciting to the * BATH BOOK * for Erwachsene.Ob Crime and soulful love story:
small is
handy it is and
made of washable plastic it
simply brilliant.
and within him hide 15 min voltage for the tub!

That's When an adults-only
  • handy-practically made of washable plastic
  • roughly the size of a CD case (12,5 x12, 5 cm)
  • durchzuschmökern loose in just 15 minutes - as long as you need for a bath
are Available When the books in the shop on the side , also has the ISBN in any bookstore and on
How did the idea for the book When that one can here to read

I of Copy
flower of the heart was - The Crime of the tub by Gretchen Lentz
Paperback: 8 pages, 12,5 x12, 5 cm,
PVC plastic filled with foam
Publisher: Language: German test
: 1 (January 2010)
I've tested the same course.
And .... I am thrilled
I may have wet hands ...
touch and therefore a book ....
and read without feeling guilty about my book.
Simply awesome!

I hope that soon there are more titles in the small shop on , so I can stock up with another short reading for the tub.
Ideally, I think the book as a gift. Right now for Valentine's Day or birthday determines a great idea.

I thank for me made available to book. It was my pleasure.


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