Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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From summary of the Pisa study , p. 10: have "systems, high performance and a balanced distribution of returns to education are integrated in the rule, which means that teachers and schools diverse student populations with individually tailored pathways need to include. In contrast, achieving school systems, assume from the outset that the students are intended for different career paths, and accordingly judge the different expectations of them and . Divided into different schools, classes and levels, often less balanced results, without the overall performances were better, "
In short, this means that. Streng tiered school systems such as the Bavarian are no better than others, but clearly unjust
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Way To Keep Uggs From Creasing
lecture Ute Blaschke-Berthold
Topic: ' relaxation in the dog '
26/11/2010 Gelsenkirchen
Organizer: paws Academy
Ute noted at the outset that the issue is not new: In 1958, the American psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe, a concept for systematic Desensitization in humans published by anxieties. Initially this therapy and therefore a prerequisite for their success was a relaxation training. As one good 20 years later, transferred the late seventies of last century, the desensitization therapy to dogs, one could not see the need for the relaxation training to perform well - the reasons for this were to include a different view and perception of the emotional world of the animal. This turned out to be mistakes.
Ute came in 2001 with the first relaxation training in contact and that an exchange with the American dog trainer Kayce Cover . This uses in her training, the conditioned relaxation, them with deep massage and also seeks to reach "forced massages". The idea behind problem behavior in dogs is often associated with an increased arousal (eg, concentration problems, distractibility, any behavior that is shown in anxiety, aggression and 'hyperactivity'). Relaxation weakens these behavioral responses from and helps the dog in certain situations to get back approachable.
Ute had several times that night out: The dog is not altered by this training in his personality that goal could not therefore be to 'revamp' the animal completely. This is pitched too high and could never be achieved through the relaxation training be. It is more a matter of "get a foot in the door" to dampen the excitement of the situation in behavior or divert it by other means (eg alternative behavior). Relaxation changed in principle, the reaction time, the intensity, duration and frequency of misconduct, but every dog has its own excitation profile and at a certain level of arousal is instinctive behavior automatically - only when the automatic payment in advance and thus interrupted in time and stopped, can affect the relaxation.
relaxation is triggered by touch, smell, posture and - not to be neglected and very important - A safe environment.
contribute Why relaxing touch?
The skin is the largest sensory organ of the body. Touches stimulate different sensory cells, depending on whether I will caress and superficially easy, and work with a lot of pressure and deeper massage. Depending on the approach different regions of the nervous system are activated. And negative stimuli may go out of touch - they can cause pain to happen, which unintentionally, but can not, of course relaxing effect on the individual.
Light touches arouse the autonomic nervous system and, more particularly where the parasympathetic nervous system. This 'Calm nerves' can be influenced by the individual is not aware of. Its mission is to provide the organism for rest, recreation and conservation. His opponent in the nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system whose job it is to get in a dangerous situation, the body too much effort as they can eg attack or escape behavior may be necessary. Once again: This nervous system is autonomous. The individual has no "conscious" control over it. The touch does so in any case. Animals behave in accordance with stressful situations: when they fear, for example, they press into corners or are reflected in its people. Of course, they thus offer less attack surface, but They also felt by the pressure on the skin that they are better.
Light and deeper, longer-lasting contacts also lead to the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin . This hormone has an enormous impact on the organism: it leads to a general relaxation, blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormone) drop, the greater pain tolerance, anxiety can be reduced, and stimulates positive social interaction. Especially when lying Contact this hormone is long lasting. It has its nickname hormone binding, therefore, that by this hormone in mammals, the group as its own and this special mother-child bond in the first place is possible. Physical contact, feeding heat, and fed - all this increases the oxytocin in the blood. But only if this happens with familiar group members. There is no way a risk that a "habituation effect" occurs, the opposite is the case of addictive behavior is triggered - touches are just beautiful! :)
Therefore, they are soothing for anxiety, aggression, and on impulse. Thus, stroking expressly permitted and desirable in these situations! This can not, as it is often misrepresented, the "undesirable" behavior are still encouraged. The body relaxed rather involuntarily by the TLC, which can contribute to a positive change in the situation. The only requirement that must be met for this is that the dog is accustomed to the touch and they actually relaxing effect, thus no irritation or even threaten it represents. The latter course would exacerbate the anxiety or aggression only.
There are no rules, where to touch the dog at best, and each dog has individual here Preferences that have to be found through good observation. Also, dogs are not like to be touched to be relaxed in this way. In this one works through the quiet touch of a hand or it's enough already, if they accept physical contact (eg by use of it).
Direct relaxation
As the name suggests, is touched with this form of relaxation of the dog in the situation "directly". Either by human hands or by means such as a Tellington Touch or a body belt Thunder Shirt . Such workers may well be helpful in dogs that can not handle well. Whether this actually the dog in the manner desired effect, however, must be checked particularly critical. In the words Ute, that probably inspired many of the effects of the shirt dog owners actually observe a different behavior in their dog as relaxed. Often one is confusing inhibited behavior with relaxed: The dog has become accustomed is slow, rolls out soon, etc. As soon as he (representing the the shirt for him) at the unpleasant stimulus, even the seemingly observed positive effect passé. Thus, one should schedule a test period of about two weeks and observe the dog closely to see if the shirt / belt actually acts so should act like it.
to practice construction (concrete to su): One should start with the relaxation exercises at home in a relaxed atmosphere out there and practice, first in poorer regions appealing. It is important that the dog has made the previous experience that he has been touched in the triggering situation of his people and he is doing well.
Ute was at this point a video clip with a German shepherd, who because of negative protection service prior experience a problem with the output of goods. The excitement in the dog was so great, the excitement level is so high that he relax the jaw was not at all in the situation. By a caress on the bridge of the nose to the muscles relaxed - and the dog was a toy from. Ute to take this opportunity also to the issue of play and relaxation "to touch on briefly: game is very important for the dog but also relaxation. Both should therefore be trained simultaneously. To a cycle phase (which should never be too long and too intense), it must always follow a relaxation phase, which should ideally be at least twice as long. The toys should remain aware of are in sight, so the dog learns to relax on the object. Learned excitement to the toy (such as "Ball Junkies" show) can be avoided in this way.
Conditioned relaxation
The conditioned or learned relaxation results from the direct relaxation: The so-induced relaxed state is associated with a stimulus (word / touch / smell / subject). This then becomes the signal for relaxation. So a classical conditioning . It is given to the following note: The sequence and timing is important: The localization, which can relax the dog very well by touch, should be clear. Before you touch the dog there, they say the word that you want to introduce a relaxation word ("Easy", "Relax", etc.), touches then takes his hand away again, the word is called again, strokes, etc . It does this no longer exercise periods. It is important that it be repeated several times and that on several days. Less well it works if you already occupies a relaxed dog with the word. However, this may in dogs that are not or only very reluctant to touch, can be one way forward.
dogs that have noise or thunderstorm fear, are a special case (to the Ute also offers special events;)), since this is more persistent states. The dogs should get in the situation, eg to visit a place where they can relax. In these cases, the link makes with an odor (see below) has a special meaning.
sources of error in training
The main source of error in training Ute sees that the Ansprechbarkeitsmoment, conditioned by the relaxation occurs, is not used in time. If the dog comes into the exciting, eliciting situation, then you have time before it is too intense (see above), the relaxation signal given - followed but must necessarily directly something more: should in most cases, next is a signal given on alternative performance be.
it's NOT the intention, the dog with constant repetition of the definition of relaxation is to bring the situation - then he is certainly not at all relaxed.
too often the localization is not determined accurately enough, that raises the most relaxed behavior. It should be on the "bedroom eyes" ;) Pay attention when you search for them. Ute spoke so beautifully of the "switch on the skin," must find the one and fold. :)
And very important and often forgotten: the relaxation signal is like a battery - it needs to be charged regularly again in order to function reliably. The link to the direct relaxation must therefore be made again and again.
It was still a very impressive video example for the operation of a well-conditioned relaxation signal. Utes dogs Kimi and Linux (both resources defender) playing with a Frisbee - a start, the second is to it gezergelt, the tension is rising - and Ute gives the signal "Easy": Both drop the Frisbee and immediately turn off in different directions and remain completely relaxed. WOW! In this case, a code of demolition without any threat or negative effect! As I said: Very convincing!
link with odors
Finally devoted Ute nor the relaxation using essential oils. Although they admit to themselves long been the aromatherapy in the "esoteric Pooh Corner", it has to be convinced in this case of research results. For 2004 was demonstrated in a specific investigation in a pet shelter in Dublin that vaporized by certain essential oils in kennels Dogs demonstrated behavioral changes showed. And while lavender and chamomile in a significant reduction in arousal levels, rosemary and peppermint caused the other hand, had an opposite effect.
2006 a further study (this time in rodents) on the operation of another essential oil, that of lemon. In this study the neurobiological effects also demonstrated clear: it had anxiolytic, it suppressed the activity of dopamine and had positive effect on the serotonin metabolism. Other oils, for a similar effect has been described, are the root of the angelica, rose and lavender. They all act like modern psychotropic drugs, are but weaker. They are all well suited for use with excitement that has to do with threat.
2010 finally has found another study that the oil has a jasmine such as Valium. This is particularly effective in not by fear-related arousal and has Utes in dogs, who thrive in a new environment not well, worked on vacation wonderful.
Essential oils are best used in a neutral oil (eg almond oil) and diluted to have a few drops of it on a neck cloth, we put aside the dog or the dishes.
applications are possible especially during persistent stress, such as visiting the vet, car trips, at Gewitter-/Silvesterangst or longer sections of a path.
Ute summed together the most important and finally ended her presentation again by pointing out that direct and conditioned relaxation may very well change the behavior of the dog in concrete situation, but it does not change dog in!
Again a very worthwhile event!
A little addendum: Martina Gauer has a beautiful presentation and put together " Conditioned relaxation " which constitutes the essence of Utes approach and illustrates with another short video clips.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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The .. Education Committee of the Bavarian state parliament has voted against a national social Parents' He thus followed the opinion of the Minister of Culture, who wrote something like: Eight Bavarian parents associations are sitting in the Provincial School Board, the advisory committee of the Ministry of Culture's enough for them obviously, otherwise they would have long since established a State Parents - the law could to the. What the minister either does not know or do not want to know: such a State Parents would like the country school board just right to be heard, no sign of participation. Why then a body, for in the budget would not even have money? More questionably, however, is something else: the parents' associations represented, not all Bavarian parents. Only those who voluntarily pay membership fee, so even the hint has a chance to be heard by the Ministry of Culture and education policy. This is democracy at Bavarian.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Part Of The Body Malaria
Sunday, November 7, 2010
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Friday, October 15, 2010
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On 21 October discussing the education committee of the Bavarian state parliament from 9:15 clock on two petitions, which are for parents of school children particularly important: a petition BEV to care time in primary school and a petition for legal representation of parents, at the BEV in the forum is involved in education policy.
The committee stage will meet in public. rewarded
Sunday, September 26, 2010
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While Bayern the best of good with a week of seminars in the holidays, Baden-Wüttemberg offers a free summer course to those who need it, a better start into the new school year. In Baden-Württemberg, the Kultusmsinisterium obviously feels partly responsible for student performance. In Bavaria, performance is a private matter.
Monday, September 20, 2010
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most important rule for parents: support desirable Mixing forbidden. For school is for children .
Monday, September 13, 2010
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your child is at school or in a new class. Trust your child - it will take a chance. Praise your child and it will find the confidence to make things good. Remember: Our school system gives your child the unique opportunity to come in contact with education, to learn, educate, to learn responsibility. More in the 12 Tips for Back to School .
Thursday, September 2, 2010
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lecture Ute Blaschke-Berthold
Topic: ' Resources Defense '
09.03.2010 in Gelsenkirchen
Organizer: Paws Academy
the subject - to defense resources should go that evening, that is: What happens in the dog when he aggressively defended something that is important to him, and how to respond appropriately as a dog owner on that?
resources are all that the dog can be important. This includes the first place, what is needed to survive their illness (eg, food, water), but also things that well-being (eg training objects - they are linked with fun and activity) and / or safety convey (eg, Location) and of course mating or social partners (other dogs and their humans). Jealousy is thus a form of defense resources.
is important to know this, that even things that appear to be of no use in our view, the dog may seem worth defending. Even leash and harness or collar can be verteidungswerte resources for the dog. Affected also "victims" of the defense resources are usually found within their own household: Children are affected more often than adults, other pets can be addressed. Outside the family usually is observed aggression towards other dogs.
Basically, the defense of resources once an all-natural behavior - it ensures the survival in nature; Animals not showing a clever ressourcenverteidigendes behavior set, by opposite fellow competitors and are thus favored in the selection. In the modern dog breed for these traits, however, is not selected at all - it does not matter. This may explain why today there are more cases of excessive and pathological defense resources. The genetic basis is participation, can be detected by means of some strains. For example, shows the U.S. strain of the English Springer Spaniel such an abnormal behavior ressourcenverteidigendes. Ultimately, the redemption of the behavior is dependent on a number of factors (general excitability, Frustration tolerance, anxiety).
A behavioral change through learning within the genetic framework is always possible, but how much can be achieved is individually very different.
Why does the dog exactly this behavior? What is his motivation?
main driver is the competitive situation, it leads to a conflict over the resource. The dog developed various strategies to resolve this conflict. These strategies can vary greatly from case to case and from dog to dog. The escalating conflict has not always - a strategy it is as well to go out of the way a dispute. Only leaves from the fact that the dog once that way chosen, and not conclude that he will always use this strategy. The chosen strategy is related to the value of the resource with the experience that the dog has made to the resource (for example, once he was able to win over by aggressive behavior, he has possibly learned that this behavior is the best ), the level of arousal, from the active reaction boundary, the behavior of competitors in the communicative abilities of the competitors and by genetic framework.
A few remarks have to - when a dog feels threatened, is very individual. Of course, this is a very negative emotion occupied. If a dog feels threatened very quickly, then his quality of life is very limited. It therefore makes sense to dogs react aggressively to explore for resources in addition to anxiety.
The active reaction boundary is also commonly referred to as "threshold". It is enshrined in certain breed standards, but this is absolutely untenable, since it is always individual and situational. Reaction boundaries are never static, there are several factors which increase or decrease - and a whole life. The main three will be mentioned: stress, pain and frustration. Stress can be triggered by a loss of structure (eg a new circadian rhythm by job change), noise (eg Construction site before the house), bad mood in the family, new dog in the area, etc. If there is pain you have to distinguish between acute and chronic. Especially the latter are in between you up from the people "forget". Frustration occurs when the behavior does not lead to the solution of the conflict and not to the satisfaction of needs. This behavior can escalate gradually, as frustration and aggression "are row-house neighbors." An example: If a dog has been through appease, the resource that it is important that man does not recognize, however, he goes away, perhaps in the next step of the resource (second strategy). It also shows no success - he growls in the next step, the frustration continued to rise and continues to rise - and then he bites.
Aggressive behavior associated with resource defense must be resources not always. It can also be defensive (ie selbstverteidigende) aggression, as when children tease the dog in his place or with toys when the dog is punished for warning behavior (eg the idiotic bowl-taking away the puppy to show that one the "dominant") or if the dog is punished in connection with the resource (eg, jump on the sofa).
Will you determine to which type of aggression is, so you have to watch the dog's behavior closely. The escalation of runs in both cases the following stages: freezing / tensing; Dodge body (via the resource), rapid eating / object taken away / shielding (depending on which resource is to it), growling, teeth showing, grab a bite. For defensive aggression by the dog runs these levels (sometimes much) faster. Unfortunately, there are also dogs that show little or no sign of this escalation, and with them the work is difficult. Shows a dog on the other hand two or more reactions from the stage order, are currently good working conditions. And of course, the longer the period before going on the snap / bite, the better can work on the problem.
Will the behavior change, one should start at the onset (ie, freezing), and pour into the situation of a marker / clicker. This "acoustic splitting" changed the situation, the dog learns the pattern, waiting for the signal. The turning away from the resource is deskalierendes behavior and thus reward "worthy". In the ideal case can be resolved soon so ressourcenverteidigende situations.
The following will have to work on optimizing the desired behavior. Especially with static resources that can be well controlled (eg space) systematic desensitization is often successful. Our main concern is to reduce the level of arousal to improve (eg relaxation training) and the emotions (On counter-conditioning). The classic exercise to look like this: The approach to this resource, something good / high quality for the dog is added. There is a conditioned emotional response: The dog sees / smells the reward - that puts him in excitement and anticipation, in conjunction with the resource. The dog feels better then. This approach is proven and very effective if you proceed with small steps and short rather than long and frequent and infrequent exercise. Gradually, can be approached according to the resource further, but always only when the conditioned emotional response is seen. Whether the dog is approaching a positive light, can be for example at the Head position (high) readings, with fronds connected to a slow reduction of the tail, tongue licking the nose (as the expectation of food) and generally relaxed body posture and facial expressions.
is difficult when the dog defends items that are not associated with food or toys. These dogs invent their defense constantly evaluate resources and can thus be "unpredictable". These alternative behaviors should be practiced immediately - preferably on 'search and retrieve. The rewards should be selected as variable.
as a dog owner can also do something about it that ressourcenverteidigendes behavior is not even showing. It should be of small to replace and outputting learn. Never should resources "just so" (because you're the boss ... yes;) take away) - that inevitably leads to frustration and aggression. And also in place should the dog is not "simply" crowd out or interfere. This is especially true for children as a guide to action - here, too often their parents to not educate in an appropriate manner, which ultimately must pay for the dog, but for him this behavior extremely annoying, threatening and frustrating. You should also let the dog as do many good experiences (with matching, dispensing, retrieval) work and the frustration tolerance.
henceforth one can already Puppy legs, it's certain basic training commands that facilitate the handling of a ressourcenverteidigendem behavior. This includes an output command (build on exchange - is bearing in mind that the exchange offer must vote!), Bring a Command's items, send a command to the court go from one place. "Seat" the dog gets out of the squat posture and "waiting" improves the tolerance of frustration.
Ute would inhibit a resource-defending dog never aversive, because he learns that no good emanates from its people, which in turn can trigger defensive aggression. In the first management could inhibit the dishes handle, but basically one must be aware that can be achieved by inhibiting no capacity to deal with. Nature knows no vacuum - if a behavior is suppressed, another comes behind it. In this respect, this reaction should not be here.
Still it was a book on Tip: Ute recommend Jean Donaldson: "Mine." (To order via www.laserdogs.de or Pia relate to).
Friday, August 27, 2010
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Bavaria does some things differently, and the inclusion. For the rest of the world is clear: inclusion means to separate children with special needs not only of their peers, but to inform all together. The Bavarian Minister of Culture speaks of "inclusion through cooperation", meaning: apart sort first, and then - perhaps - teach together again. The UN Convention for people with disabilities, which Germany signed in 2009 confessed to every person a right to inclusive education. This can not escape Bavaria. The Cabinet has recently submitted a concept (item 2 press release), which the education minister will soon explain the associations. That there should come to controversy is to be seen, for example at the position of the Bavarian teachers and teachers association .
Sunday, August 22, 2010
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When Education Monitor 2010 is Bayern back to 4th place, behind Saxony, Thuringia and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Since 2004, stands the Institute of German Economy in Cologne for the Initiative New Social Market Economy Education data from 16 countries. And divides the countries then, as they should improve their schools, so that the economy grows. This time the IW examined specifically, how far better funding of education has a positive effect on output of the education system ", that is: Make more money smart? The money alone, according to the researchers, it does not. Combined with efforts for better teaching brings money but much more than no money.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Write Welcome Baby Card
I repudiate my hand against the assumption that they have given knowingly false statements.
I belong to any political group of the "German dogs being", but am just a critical dog owner and customer. I concede that some of my statements are harsh in the text - I should have taken it and you hurt Mr. Baumann, I apologize. wrote
Thomas Baumann from Berlin on 30.11.2010 at 14:10 clock following the guestbook: |
Hello, experts have to accept, in various forums irrelevant and polemical to be attacked. This live it plain and simple. So if someone like an evening lecture by me in Brittany Gunther such one-sided and polemical is beyond doubt, he has the right to do so, although it is very irresponsible acts. The problem, however: They lie to the readers about my statements made. I have never said at a seminar that other coaches or professionals were emotionally cruel to the dogs. I have never said that the matter was explained Udo me with the dominance that I knew long before we met. I have never said at a seminar, every dog would take the booty. never ... and so on. The abundance of other alleged statements by me beyond the frame. Who can argue only polemical, to do that, but obviously whoever knowingly misrepresentation of my comments published on the Internet must be able to live with the consequences. you run the most unfair kind of denunciation, and that's what hurts the dog being in Germany for many years. Every educated reader will recognize the low motives of their actions clearly. Especially as the other seminar participants is anything but "Schenkelklopfer" are. These statements are consistently discredit and provide useful data on the motivation of the author. In this sense friendly greetings Thomas Baumann |
lecture by Thomas Baumann
topic: ' motivation and motivational techniques'
16/08/2010 in Remscheid
Organizer: Animal Time
What I liked Mr Baumann in the run all right, is the searching for objects , this was offered in the next two days include a seminar, I was 200 € registration fee absolutely too expensive, but I was after the evening lecture, glad not to have signed up. I think the DVD , which appears in September on, you can acquire the most important thing to do so. And it will end all parties make more fun and so is the competition version, which has developed from it, for our team anyway the question. Of course is the original, nothing new - but as a former police dog trainer Baumann naturally knows the intricacies and the structure of the object looking good. I think we must recognize it some day when someone has something already prepared so well known and proven again that it opens up a wider audience. ;))
The presentation should now go to "Motivation and motivational techniques." Actually a fascinating subject. My expectations as listeners: interesting to read about what motivations a dog brings on its own, how can I succeed as a holder to use them or guide them in desired paths, and also very important in view of the "techniques" - how can succeed to motivate dogs to a certain behavior, do not show on its own readiness to do? I believe Thomas Baumann in the course of the evening trying on his way to give an answer to some of these questions ... Others presented themselves to him - I fear - not at all.
Well, from the bidding was to read, how to tackle it, according to Thomas Baumann NOT:
MOTIVATION is often equated in the art of positive reinforcement by food or toys. But the currently prevailing treats and toy craze in dog clubs and dog schools leaves much negative marks. The dog owner is unconscious to the dealer and his dog to the addict. If one dealer of the "stuff" but as are many dogs not ready for communication. Then let the dog owners often literally on the left. The apparently excellent and supposedly harmonious balanced team is "unmasked" and important social bond elements remain on track.He said that night on several occasions he was "not dogmatic" and it were up to him (as opposed to other coaches - under position ) only the "best interests of the dog" - to be honest, I find it such a populist platitudes, and to such silly, completely unnecessary. Unfortunately, it was
then go in exactly this style:
problem dog behavior have increased in recent years steadily and enormously, his observation. Dog owners are now for the most part "social Legastehniker" completely unable to communicate properly with the dog. Instead of social interaction there is only the "hand in his pocket" (for treats) and a hochsäuselndes "Supi! Fine!" (Imitating the same a few times by Baumann - the first leg of the evening beater!). Both were, however, the completely wrong way to deal with dogs.
Two areas he has also identified as the cause for the increase in "problem dogs": First, the often badly run "puppy play lessons" - puppies learn social skills, Baumann said, not by peers, but of adult dogs. Social skills have something to do with "personal space and respect." Therefore, a good puppy group always adult dogs have it. This is not the case, then "caused a visit to a puppy group later in the adult dog intraspecific aggression." And about 80% of all "problem dogs" showed exactly this. The second problem area, he made the trend of the multi-dog. This is but "complicated" and the holders often overwhelmed. In the end, would be common: "In the dozen snappy!" Hahaha ... The second leg knocker of the evening. Although people actually just laughed at himself, because of demand, who in the room that are more than one dog, stretched three-quarters of the arms upward. * Flute *
After this introduction, it was the real theme of the evening: "motif" is by definition from the dictionary of the "motive"; of motivation is defined as "behavior-determining factors. The "dog phenotype is influenced by its" genetic disposition "and" influences from the environment / character.
More was to not to say the opinion Baumann. This would be described as superficial, yet flattered. For me this is not a viable working definition, it shows the audience at all the motivational conflict that emerges in the dog. Who is intense will incorporate time in the biological / psychological concepts (and that is what we would have used), found on this page you out. Short and concise and summarized in a chart, you find appealing here to only the most important thing. And would have made this motivation concept as a basis, then one would also have to take whether it is it useful to work in the extrinsic motivation by force what Bowman has provided the following presentation so quiet in silence for granted. That he considers rewards to be useful, he has made clear in the announcement. Throughout the presentation he has of course repeatedly emphasized that he views with treats or play reward work - he is "not dogmatic," but ...
If you define so lax, then quickly gets the impression (at least in some critical audience) that someone is something still not right and not thought through to the end has, but essentially "just so powerful - with the lecture, with of motivation, with the dogs ...
But further in the text. For Bauman, there are now in the dog "social, yield-related and food-related motivation schemes". These three areas should be examined in more detail. I give this now just so again - I think it does not all have to make sense and you do not have all of it ... Understand , P
Social motivation
Here Baumann difference between the first "request model" and the "model" of the dog. The request model is the focus of the dog facing inside (standing on the film said: "self-determined, self motivated and inwardly directed behavior") If, in the model, the focus is outward directed ("expanding practices to the wider environment directed behavior "). Here there are also breed specifics. Typical representatives of the Dog "model" are as Labrador and Beagle. One would even recognize the fact that their owners could recognize only to its rear part. (3 Schenkelklopfer of the evening). Yes.
over the body and spoken language man can be attractive to the dog. Again, he has again used the dictionary, 'attractive' means being 'attractive' and 'exceptional'. The prerequisite is that you seem so "social security". There should be no "monotony" in the interaction with the dog, not a "stereotype" because that was "deadening" and "boring". He can speak in this context like "with social communication killers saturation guarantee" of. An example is precisely the said "awesome! Fine!" (4th Schenkelklopfer of the evening). Attractiveness in the body language to reach "distance" of and "magnetize". That will not get bored. One must also "initiate program change" always, "take distance" and "reform transmitter-receiver principle" that. In short, the dog should be directed to the people, not vice versa, and always have limits shown.
Small Question: We actually motivate the dog to? And if so, why? Well, on with the text ...
spoken language will be used appropriately. Whether we speak in high, medium or low voice frequency depended on the individual dog. Then one could anraunzen a Rottweiler deep calm: "Do me, Dicker" (5 Schenkelklopfer).
was important but also the variety. "Male Dog handlers "have often afraid to speak in a high voice. Is this" whisper "or" hissing "is an alternative.
And because it is precisely the arrivals, the dog and human personality has to be considered appropriately, of which he very much appreciated Adam Miklosi, which is "soon, with me in Berlin to host" properly formulated ". needs a good dog trainer variety and flexibility," And therefore one should just "not dogmatic", and he was also not everything had its correction.. But there was in the dog scene in "cult-like tendencies" who would approach went with a "healing world-idea" to the cause. Ultimately, this contributes to the Dogs be mentally cruel. And even if he sometimes bumpy agiere, if only for good and for the good of the dog that he is always the primary objective would be to the heart, the other not.
after this digression we come back to the topic. "Distance training" is also an important part in training in social motivation. Lunging would turn this perfectly, because it can thus be "communication, guidance entitled, distance control, utilization, and social bonding" exercise. He referred in this context to explicitly refer to the released DVDs on the market. Pia Gröning work purely positive - "it can make it that way, if you will." However, he sees more of its intersection Approach with that of DVD HTS why "they" (?, I-we-Who?) Would always recommend this.
Well, to establish "deep social ties," also designed by him "La-Ko-Ko" is training . The abbreviations stand for "slowness, concentration and coordination." Especially the aspect of touch, of pressing out is a very important there. Intuitively, he had always done this correctly. Prof. Udo Gansloßer he had only explained much later, which expire at the physical processes are involved in the body of the dog: the distribution of the bonding hormone oxytocin become the adrenaline and cortisol levels reduced, and thus Stress and aggression reduced. Tellington Touch is also highly recommended for this purpose and a fantastic method.
yes I found that hormones, their effect and the impact on the motivation of the dog are also a fascinating subject and actually had to be addressed in more detail ... Maybe after the next chat with Udo? ;)
was also the way of him (or was it Miklosi - The names are both on the evening fell again and again ... decorate probably good;?.)) The thing with the dominant states, which are then yes but not so " with Alpha and so is ...
We had arrived at any rate already at the second "form of motivation":
have this dog as a condition of a particular genetic predisposition. Every dog wants to go and loot. It was important to "keep balance" between the "social component" and the "prey aspect. This would require the "social background" to be created. The man must "keep in the game's social appeal" in each case. The classic ball-junkies who always repeat the act itself would have, that no social bond with their people, this is interchangeable. A ball junkie is ultimately a "drug addicts", the relationship to its holder is comparable with the "between junkie and dealer:" He was not a "social partners", "exchangeable" and without any "social Linkage ".
past he himself had made the mistake of training with toys as a reward. This is incorrect, since the expectations on the toy, the excitement level in the dog climb too high. This" inhibits learning. "Better it is therefore , lined form, especially with the Futtertube he had this good experience, as they rejoice in almost all dogs extremely popular
Playing loot is it noted that it could lead to fatigue and that of 'action-specific. "and" charming specific physique and psyche. "At first the dog from was" no longer continue in the position. All that follows is therefore "de-motivating." In the latter is "less is more", the dog signaled "I do not want to!" . ... !? ...
was important to do it in any case before the saturation a break. So if the dog is currently in the "performance zone" is located (eg in the middle of the track) and play shows, take a break. Breaks in the "start-up and saturation zone" are however very demotivating for the dogs.
And hush, hush - even the speakers break was imminent - at the third "form of motivation":
Hand feeding is a good way to rebuild a relationship with the people if this "is broken". ANY dog take treats - in the end it was just a "question of building". More specifically, he was not here.
The feed bag was an "elemental bridge member to improve the social fabric." However, it is important to note that one uses before feeding it into something "social", "communication is based." And one should not always be food - this increases the attractiveness! I won!
that is of "Motivation": "Distance creates social ties!"
man had, we start times defines the term clean, it would - I'm sure - even the speakers at the end was quite clear, there was at first the food and thus a half-hour break. Opportunity to read into his books or the flyers to their dogs Foundation.
He then pointed to the three forms of motivation "or video sequences.
stop stop! First of all, still advertised for the Pet Group and turned particularly to the present dog trainer: "We should be certified but there ( Pet Group Quality Seal ). What a view on this website are acid regurgitates as consumers: no transparency on what and how accurately "rated" is. Not disclose the criteria or the evaluation process: What's so hide!
Now for the video clips: Honestly, all of which were quite banal and again, I would not have the Term "motivation", as I understand him to, in connection ... The first was a rather "independent" Beagle confused by his keeper, because it is no longer based on the dog, but went their own ways. Then there was a dog of his keeper, "distressed," she leapt - this is "cured" by knee-blocking and use of body language behavior like this. Then there was a video sequence for the conditioning of the feed bag at a bad dog uncertain. Baumann has here "shaped arc" without Clickereinsatz. Can you even make "very dogmatic" sometimes so ...
If the dog becomes independent with the feed bag, rather than providing this, it works on the 3-5m line Baumann and pulls the dog approached them. Before the dog gets something out of the bag will, of course, a "social action" takes place: The dog is "stroked". When the feed bag work should be "run empty" time and again once the dog to, interpret that no bags or position it so that it can not find it, because "failure is performance enhancing." Yes, we know this all still out of school ... First time such a hefty six-right has yet to put the fun's learning. ; D Oh, sorry - I digress ... and humanize The dog's motivation, of course! ;) Is also possible that he has something here confused with the variable gain - I know not, however, was also at this time, not more motivated to explore it ...
also something nice about motivation at Longierkreis: demand from the public (justifiably, for how to "motivate" (), had not we heard!): "Yes, and what I do now, if the dog on circuit will not rotate? " - It's simple: We are working with a lead rope and pulse - and we should be there can not be persuaded that because something could happen to the cervical spine. The voice is not everything. The dog had huge muscles supporting the neck. This "dogmatic deluded" people in the dog scene, but always claimed otherwise, but in a recent issue the magazine "The dog" had established an animal physiotherapist, how harmful once a harness for the back spine is. It was argued that the "completely non-dogmatic" and it'll stop at the dog and the situation to what we would recommend. He
any event have each dog on Longierkreis've got it to work. Well, there once was this Bull Terrier, who was a little stubborn. "But after 40 yards had then noticed that it is not on nipples can run." The 6th Schenkelklopfer of the evening. I felt really hard now. I share with my dog that is a weakness: Lack of impulse control. * Flute *
But it went so well to the end. Finally came then briefly the language to the target search (ZOS). This is as acceptable as "relaxed, focused work," especially for the "pseudo-hunters among the dogs. And these were the vast majority of the hunting dogs. There are few "real hunters", who acted not out of boredom and this could be "without aversive stimuli," do not stop anyway. "Mice dig" was the way "no hunting" because the size of the prey, "too small" is. On demand, from start point because then the 'right' hunting, Baumann said that this was "individually different and depended on the size ratio dog / prey. Aha. After all, he made this very interesting and I could not new remarks by pointing out that he hunting dogs 'not treated'.
ZOS is the way, only about "motivation", not "pressure". Oh. Well, I can see it on the DVD.
Then there was a sequence that I took for both the image as well as of the most revealing comment of the evening. It showed Thomas Baumann, even with a 12-year Zerrspiel with his German shepherd. Bowman tried to show how one of the "good game" to give variety and "unpredictable" for the dog must stay here. It must always be socializing, with caressing and touching, making them the "social backgrounds" guarantees. - The Amazing thing about the pictures: The body language of this dog, his facial expression betrayed that he had just a little: Namely fun.
Since stress was evident discomfort with touch, but joy? - So shall it be?
Then said Thomas Baumann also that drawing and Zerrspiele in a "healthy dog-human relationship" are not a problem, but when you "run the dog in conflict situations, not quiet and safe", could then should be "not "Zerrspiele organize, because you then stand as a man to the dog was" too far down in the hierarchy.
So, let's face it: Worse you can not discredit a professional trainer. But surely that is still the dog in the head space from the 80's. Obviously, arriving at the surface means anything Gansloßer & Co., that now see things differently actually necessary because new research results are there, but really penetrated the consciousness there is nothing - and certainly nothing to reassess their own role and their own behavior would have resulted. For the same goes for the "new" training methods. There really does
"enlightenment" in the Kantian sense hardship education! Serve up your mind!
I hope it is not just struck me that the self-imposed label "non-dogmatic!" in principle, for otherwise as a jelly-holding is not to (to) be at hand. In between are statements that reflect the spirit of the times that were 'modern', it was also quite time to time we support it, but the plate beneath the base of it all is still the ol Komissgeschirr. And because now is transparent jelly time, it seems through again and again.
more substance ... That's it!
least I did not mean it tasted.
Who wants to be really well informed about "motivation" in the dog, which was "made fine" to 12.90 euros in the book Sabine Winkler put ( Sample ). Since the issue is pervasive and heart and brain treated.
Friday, July 23, 2010
I Want To Buy A 420 Sail Boat
Naturally, the opposition sees the situation differently than the government. The SPD warns against dramatic shortage of teachers, as well the Bavarian Teachers' Association and teachers. The Minister of Culture contradicts . The Bayerischer Rundfunk summarizes the opinions.
More ...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Motion Light Sensor Intelectron
well off and better trained teachers make lessons challenging textbooks raise the level. For Olaf Köller, head of the International Comparison study on the national education standards, explained as the better performance of the southern provinces. What factors also played a role may have, please read the interview with Olaf Köller .
Monday, July 5, 2010
Why Does Skin Turn Green Shaving
The trail leads to the study not as easy on the main school, such as the Ministry of Culture like to claim. Young people with school leaving themselves with the same skills a lower chance of further skills training courses and qualified professionals as young people with secondary school certificate or diploma. Experts call young people who, despite their high individual learning potential on a (too) low form of school underachievers. What underachievement for the individual and mean for the society, the education researcher John Uhlig describes the WZBriefBildung of 5 July 2010.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Grapefruit Juice Phlegm
The just-published TIMSS Transition Study (Volume No. 34 of the BMBF-line educational research) shows that "the transition from primary school to the secondary one of the most critical points at which created social inequality." The educational researcher Jürgen Baumert, who led the study, said: "Essentially, we made three factors for the transition to secondary school is responsible: the objective performance of the students, their performance and suitability assessment by the teachers and the social background. " The performance was for just under 50 percent "of the distribution pattern to the types of schools' responsibility. Three Quarter of the social background effect, which was visible in the transition arises, before and during the primary school.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Holopaw Suburban Estates Land
"The students in the south of Germany have a new-country comparisons of school performance, once again performed best. Clear winners are the states of Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg. But Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate could be placed in the top group. Some this also applies to Hesse. bottom in almost all disciplines Bremen. " (Source: The TIME from 23.6.10)
The study can be found at Institute of Educational Progress , the interpretation of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture on the website. In Bavaria, the educational opportunities are distributed extremely unfair. The mention of the Ministry of Culture while, but immediately qualifies. It writes:
Social disparities in language acquisition
Adult participation (relative chance of a high school visit) is mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg highly dependent on the social background: a skilled child has the same reading a 6.5 - (Editor's Note BEV: the study says 6.6) times less chance of a high school visit as an academic child (Germany: 4,5). It should not be considered that students from middle school and high school on FOS / BOS and Training Courses to a large extent also reach high school credentials, and thus reduce social disparities substantially. Overall, the university access permissions to non-upper secondary education courses at 42% reached.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Dimpled Pine Wood Derby Car
interviews and texts that make you want on learning - read no matter what age
in the magazine "Change" 2 / 2010 of the Bertelsmann Foundation
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Flucillin What Infections
Board election on 19 BEV June 2010: Maria Lampl
state chairman is from Bayreuth, their deputies are Ulrike Stautner (Augsburg), Ulrike Koellner (Munich) and Henry Paede (Bergen).
Has Anyone Tried Nicocure
individual meetings, seminars, courses, & Training open studio
heidelberg venue
individual meetings
artistic support /
art therapy private sessions
In art therapy, and artistic individual appointments may be in a protected environment, individually and intensely personal issues are addressed. New experiences can be used in rehearsal and then transferred into everyday life. A clear awareness, confidence and individual expression are encouraged.
for children, adolescents and adults (from age 2 years)
session à 6omin / 6o € + € ca.1o material
by appointment.
weekend seminars
Action Painting Action Painting
is a direct, dynamic painting technique, known in particular by the American artist Jackson Pollock. The focus is not placed on the subject, but a swift, fluid way of working. Practically, this can mean, in a relatively short intervals to ever new leaves the brush to move completely freely. Since casual work deliberately, Action Painting has a liberating effect that can affect all areas of life. No artistic experience necessary.
each weekend seminar for children, adolescents or adults
visual media: abstract painting
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Art & game - joy of life & Creativity
In the seminar Art & game gives playful approaches to art, found new and creative ways and tried. It should be about, without discovering one's own expectations and pressure to perform new creative potential. Zest for life and can easily be integrated with the experience gained here in everyday life. No artistic experience necessary.
weekend seminar for adults
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Therapeutic felt
wool is a nice soft material, characterized in particular by the technique of wet felting by an "open" character. It is allowed to develop freely, which may arise. The focus should not be standing here, the production of a certain product, but the experience can be made, while some still not preordained result. No previous experience required.
weekend seminar for adults
visual media: felt wool, textile
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Children's Art & Art Therapy
The artistic activity offers the opportunity to give the expression that moves, but left unsaid is - situations, feelings, needs and desires that can rationally find no expression. Content of the artistic and art therapy framework is to promote the creative potential of the child. So that it can develop freely, it is also within the group received tailored to the needs and ideas of the child being aware of any assessment takes place. In this protected space can open up the child and his confidence can be strengthened be. The child support is offered for personal development - and all without pressure to perform. No artistic experience necessary.
groups of children - 6x 9o min.
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 5 Pers.
insg.24o € (including materials)
Young Art
This course is specifically tailored to the needs of young people. You will no ordinary art class, but tips and suggestions for their own figures. With free, expressive painting, graffiti, new art forms such as room installation or performance art and much more experimented be. It will be offered the opportunity to express things which are otherwise (maybe) unsaid. Space for creativity and development is important here. Personal issues and questions can thereby be expressed and clarification. No artistic experience necessary.
group for young people - 6x 1o5 min.
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
insg.24o € + € ca.1o8 material
Free painting - your own artistic process
In the course free painting is about finding a new, informal approach to the subject of art, to experience even a pictorial process and above all the joy that it is preparing to see that something new from their own hands.
Course I - Fundamentals
free agent exercises and playful casual approach to the subject of painting. Beyond pre-image patterns of the individual artistic process is stimulated.
Course II -
build on the basics of course I created building its own artistic theme that developed in sketches, studies and picturesque experiments. We work with different materials and techniques of painting.
Course III -
well are individual artistic approaches developed and the resulting issue ultimately led to his own work on canvas. The canvas is specially manufactured under guidance. Colors may be produced from pigments.
The courses are organized to build on each other. For course I no artistic knowledge is required. To participate in courses II and III have the relevant knowledge needed to be taught in each previous course.
course for adults
visual media: painting
number of participants: max. 5 Pers.
Course I & II each with 6 nights to 105 min. / Min + 24o € € ca.1o8 material
Course III 6 Evenings of 105th / 24o + ca.15o € € Material
open studio days
is for all participants in courses and seminars, the possibility of open studio days on which investigated the individual artistic work and this can be further developed.
Training -
process-oriented work in the artistic-art therapeutic medium
for therapeutic, psychological and educational staff
is decisive for the process-oriented work in the artistic-art therapeutic medium to a corresponding inner to develop posture, from which people can be led to a value-free and truly independent works, which in turn supports their individuation. The inner attitude is crucial in determining whether a profound inner process can be made possible. The training is tailored to professionals working in the therapeutic, psychological and / or educational field, aligned. With new artistic approaches and process-oriented free operation an expanded repertoire for practical work with people of different ages and topics will be given to the hand.
The training is divided into the following three interlocking modules:
first Practical module
process-oriented artistic and art therapy work experience itself
second Theory Module
Methodology & Theory
interior attitude
third Link between practice and theory
artistic processes encourage self-reflection and forward
Furthermore, for graduates of the training it is possible to obtain additional technical support and further reflection. No artistic experience necessary.
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
1.32o € + € ca.24o material
3 weekends each Sat. / Sun. 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
dates for seminars, courses and open studio days on request.
food and drinks are not included in the seminar fee.
bring is work clothing, which may be colored (coat, skirt, pants, shoes, etc.).
I will gladly offer you a personal example for groups, organizations, associations, businesses, etc. Make me a call.
to answer any questions I will happy to help.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How To Fix A Splitting Snowboard
The Bavarian Ministry of Culture has to correct his students prognosis. The depletion of the main school is dramatic, the minus figures exceed all fears. The high school has a strong inflow.
more ...
who consider this development a result of the changed conditions, and calls may transfer more stringent grade boundaries, but it has misjudged the seriousness of the situation. The high school parents Bayern see it quite differently - and rightly so.
How To Get Celebi Wikipedia
Introduction - the paradigm shift
It is now time to break with a vision that is neither desirable nor achievable. It is time to widen the perspective of the unemployment statistics and to find new categories of happiness and satisfaction.
Our dream, which we all work is basically always been: unemployment. You read correctly. All automation but serves only one purpose: to create jobs, to create a paradise, in which roasted pigeons fly into your mouth!
remains is work that is actually only be managed by people. So wherever motivation, commitment, education and intelligence counts.
you to this paradigm shift (mentally) once completed, will appear today's labor and social policy as a single topic misconduct.
to prescribe instead say after Hartz4-style forced labor, even though there are no jobs, it's time for new concepts.
One concept - in my opinion the most promising - is the unconditional basic income (BGE). It's an income that gets every citizen automatically transferred each month and well above the minimum required for subsistence, including the social Participation possible. Sums of 800-1200 € are there in conversation.
is really important because the "unconditional", ie the income it receives a millionaire as well as the unemployed.
What looks at first glance like a social romantic dream is, at second glance actually affordable.
fact is yes, we doubt that it all his life. We achieve this but in such inefficient ways that only a fraction of the "needy" and this also depends on the detour of an excessive bureaucracy including harassment and forced labor.
economic liberalism
with the BGE as a back for everyone, I would argue, the economy actually make very clear and that they assume capitalism far more freedom, especially as regards the relationship with the workers.
The sole cause of wage dumping, the actual work required by Hartz 4 is turned off. No one will have to risk his health in order to secure his bare existence.
other way you can safely rely on the only few will be satisfied with the BGE, but want more. The ATF will not overturn the labor market, but conversely allow fair wage negotiations.
The prospect of money and recognition, automatically makes sure that our economic system works, it is neither necessary nor appropriate to force someone to work.
is on top of salary scale, therefore, change as the BGE is hardly anything - except that there are far fewer reasons to envy and resentment, and you also see them as the wealthy can be trusted again in each district. In my understanding of economic self-million salaries are entirely justified and reasonable.
But even at the lower end there is now no reason to be more envious of those who "rest on the social hammock" is. € Each additional income is actually also available. Situations where workers are worse off than the unemployed, it is no more.
Yes, performance will be worth once again!
The Citizen Account
Now that might sound for a BGE Alg II receiver like paradise, for middle and higher incomes, it is hardly suited to the standard of living. As an addition / expansion of the BGE, I strongly recommend my model of the civil account.
It is intended as an account for individual reserves.
This is a special account to which the guaranteed income is paid monthly. Withdrawals from the account should in any extent possible, but there is no posting. Withdrawals are taxable as ordinary income.
addition, and that's the trick to be exempt from payments of income tax payable. This should be the only way to escape the income tax. This makes the citizens account for a very attractive form of investment need for individual reserves.
This allows for very flexible resumes, on the other, while a high individual planning.
With this account, so to speak citizens coupled individual reserve to the social system.
Viola: Sozial-Liberale Individualismus!
Details zum Bürgerkonto: http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:Andizo/B%C3%BCrgerkonto
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How To Make Pendant Setting
Monday, June 7, 2010
I Caught My Brother Wearing Tights
Saturday, June 5, 2010
2010 Toyota Corolla Vs Lexus Hs250
The crucial meeting is still pending, but for a student body Written in Bavaria, it looks bad. 'When I talk with students, I have my doubts that the inside as do', said Science Minister Wolfgang Heubisch on Friday.
more ...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
National Cooker Claire Wis
Flattr is a great leap forward in economics for the digital media.
It suites very well to - lets say - more temporary content, where new posts and contents are delivered on a frequent level, where you consume a thing more or less once and go forward.
But it does not scale propperly, when it comes to more static content. E.g. a piece of Software, a tutorial or a text which you use & consume on a frequent basic. Flattring it only once seems to me unfair, regarding the proportion of work put into it.
2 features would improve this situations:
a.) A Possibility to "reflattr" something. The factor should be visible on the content I Flattr.
b.) A subscription, so I will Flattr a thing every month. Choosing a 3/6/12 month subscription period would be helpful.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Parents Do Not Know That I Masterb
dealing with aggressive dogs (Cordle)
advanced seminar of Mirjam Cordt
topic: dealing with aggressive dogs
17./18.04.2010 in Schwerte
Organizer: Animal Team
the start, she realized that there can be no substitute for action. There is never the ultimate solution in dealing with behavioral problems or aggressive dog - it was always a "multi-system approach" is necessary. To find out where you can begin a thorough medical history is required. At that involve a careful observation of the undesired behavior (When and how does it occur?) And also of all stakeholders (What happened before? How was the atmosphere / mood?) As well as naturally also the consideration of the circumstances (eg, diseases, habits, home environment, nutrition, etc.) . Miriam holds an essential preliminary medical , since 20-30% of affected dogs have an organic cause is based. A thorough diagnosis can provide information, but does not replace training - although it is also the improvement of the health condition is an important and necessary beginning.
Then she came to the subject castration speak - at this point I could not get it . Follow She said while there was no castration replace the right socialization and education, but their "experience" a speak for themselves: in the males to diminish the exaggerated posturing, they showed a better versatility and are less aggressive. Females also showed a reduction of problematic behavior. So, so ... After all, they rejected categorically early neutering. - Use the "experience" that's always such a thing, it takes true then yes, often only selectively, when one views his "experience" is safe and Gabriele Niepel has indeed in its Bielefeld castration study as all other "experiences" gathered ... * Flute * You can see what you see wants. I personally reject the castration without medical indication, and could therefore follow her on this point at all. Ute has a much more differentiated itself with the topic in the lecture dealt castration behavioral problems, is referred to at this point.
If you want to change are unwanted behavior, one must first consider what you want to achieve target - which will see human behavior as the dog? What exactly is required? Miriam said she would put very well very high goals, which is also legitimate if one is not even frustrated that the achievement will be longer. Finally, there it on the way to the main objectives of many small intermediate goals, achieve them they could look forward to.
it was important also that the people who consequences of his actions are clear - they differentiated between "conscious and unconscious influence a behavior" . Conscious influence is exercised by the man as about food reward, affection (praise / petting ...) or playing together. Unconsciousness is often the people that he encouraged in certain situations, the undesired behavior of the dog or by gift, by giving the dog unconscious in turn looks or touches the dog with attention or behavior chains that do not realize the holder are to reward itself does. Just punish the person aware (eg through physical violence or psychological coercion [to reject what is] or by the lack of reward), but also unconsciously, for example, faces from non-conscious, ignored the non-fulfillment of a ritual act (eg, the dog always a treat when visitors come - for some reason think people do not even think of dog reacts aggressively against the visitors see, but not that the expectation of the dog have not met) or the human being as "killjoys", the dog in a specific situation deprives fun things without noticing it. Much runs in humans Just as unreflective of sensiblisieren for this course should also include the training.
pleaded In this context, Miriam also for the example at the shelter for a walk-goers for the supply of the dog, the dog should always be removed from the people and not vice versa. This is easier for the dog.
Mirjam is in training on the set of positive associations and construction of alternative behavior.
Positive associations that are food for them rewards, positive attention through verbal praise or contact (gaze, facial expression, petting). Aversive stimuli, she refuses - pain stimuli and violence have no place in training. Punishment is required - it can be do not ignore anything, but Miriam is punished for that dogs do not get the reward for the unwanted behavior.
alternative behaviors can be constructed in two steps - not to mention the "distance training", then "Training Hall". In the distance training, it is important that the dog when he holds the triggering stimulus should focus on the owner. He is just not on the target and thus completely drift off, but he should be brought back "into our world." It is often necessary to start with very large distances to the stimulus that causes undesired behavior. The distance should be such that the dog if so, then also later be shown better in stressful situations, the alternative behavior, to offer an alternative of conduct. In the "Training Hall" to work with cropping "Look, that is, the dog is already quite close to the triggering stimulus, which is 'fades' - for example, are like a gateway, in man and dog and it's triggered past the archway. The dog sees the appeal suddenly (the man in white training course by mutual agreement with the assistant, when he comes) and then gets a treat (but please, just in time for seeing the stimulus). With the next step "Wegloben conditioned" is - the term I find unfortunate choice, because it triggers the wrong associations: Mirjam meant is that the dog will approach called outgoing and thus the alternative behavior departure from the stimulus, is back up to man.
Miriam noted that developed behavioral abnormalities often in a kind of vicious circle . The dog is for his misconduct by confirmation from the unconscious man, who also reacted emotionally tense even more and more encouraged, so that the behavior escalated. Here it is also very important first permit by confidence-building measures to regain the cooperation. This includes of course the first thing even discuss the fulfillment of basic Needs of the animal - eating, drinking, sleeping on clean, good place and social interaction. Respect for the dignity and the feelings of the other part of it - and would be expected of both sides!
is instead positive reinforcement of the A & O, because it gives confidence, leads to a better self-esteem and positive moods and feelings you learn better, more creative in solving problems and has better access to the memory to have learned retrieve.
self-confidence that is necessary to trust others can also win, the dog is occupied by the positive interaction with other organisms. Joint actions are therefore very important (walking, games, etc.), whilst allowing the person aware of his own body language and controlled Make use of and responsibility for the dog - also can provide security.
is also very important to get a good feeling for the self-confidence. Here, all senses of the dog to be addressed. A "learning course", the appeal to different senses (eg touch, 3D sense of space and sense of balance, such as climbing the occupational therapy) promotes sensory integration, and helps the dog develop a healthy body sensation. Also on the possibilities of TTouch was noted in this context. commit
went then to the chapter resources defense. so different things can be defended by the dog, such as food, prey, territory, etc. No matter what form it is, in almost every at impulse control and frustration of the dog limit should be used. The inclusion of positive associations (see above), the introduction of rituals, a clear daily routine and trained owners, their dogs can run clear are also necessary for the successful training. Miriam was on all forms of Ressourcenverteidung detailed instructions and training tips. This would all be listed here exceed the scope and finally I would like you visit the seminar so recommend it! ;)
A particularly interesting exercise in the area, I would nevertheless like to briefly introduce - Mirjam has called "Via Contemplativa 'exercise. Here the dog is led through a course marked out with pylons, which is set in an L shape. At the beginning and end is one of two slalom pylons, perform the dog over the outside of all others. This is one dog on a leash "just cause" - Not watch it continuously, be no treats, no response. He should not ignore, however, reduce the attention to a minimum. The aim of the exercise: The dog should learn to 'add' the guide of man, man should learn to perform his part, so that both can ride out dangerous situations in everyday life. Dogs with aggression problems should never run the way for human beings, as the risk that they go into triggering situations then "forward", much larger.
Miriam stressed how important it was to limits set . Laissez-faire is not less harmful than the narrow-minded Exercising authority. For children is not substantiated: If no limits are set, the developed a low self-esteem, which has a low frustration tolerance and lack inner orientation - that everything was finally in dogs no different. However, the balance must be right: The dog must also be taught a good feeling - it must give sufficient time to care, the dog must be praised too. Does all of this, so the dog can also learn that his behavior may have negative consequences. Again, however, is: neither mental nor physical violence are acceptable. Negative consequences will be undesirable and uncomfortable but not painful. The limits have the physical and mental development of the dog to be adjusted. And very important: the human being must be consistent, reliable and predictable for the dog to be. Miriam stressed that the whole foot for them based on mutual respect - and respect one should also expect the same dog. In principle applies: The more conspicuous the dog, the stricter the rules.
One possibility is for example the "time out" , which is a rupture of contacts, the dog with show undesirable behavior torn out of the situation (marker introduced as "Never" or "Basta") and for a short period (max. three minutes locked away). Important: Every time the dog's unwanted Behavior shows, the break will be applied. And: The dog must not break the course themselves can not stop.
it is very important, that the man be thoroughly considered and action plans and also always self-controlled, either by driving a dog-school issue, or by video recording. The primary goal for aggressive dog is the de-escalation through leadership and support by the people. This " authority" is the person without violence, but by developing a "strengthening the presence . Presence is not misunderstood as "power use," but it's about the perfect attendance (physically and mentally and for the dog felt). It is in this "confrontation" no winners and no losers, just because it's not about winning power.
training approaches that come out of the way of behavior therapy for children (Littip this: " authority without violence "), are the "sit-in" and the "bear hug". When "sit-in" is (a flooding exercise) you are in safe distance from the dog, which in turn can not escape the situation itself may (tied for example, in the kennel, etc.). It is simply "there", ie it is not a conscious attempt communication. After the end of the exercise to behave 'normally' again.
The "bear hug" shows the dog that the man is stronger and takes him to the situation in the truest sense of the word "under control" has. You take the dog laid laterally into the arm, so that you can feel the breathing, then triggered by auxiliary of the stimulus - and the dog who really want to rush forward, held in the embrace. And indeed without a word. He calmed a little, they send the next stimulus, then the handle can be solved. The dog learns that the man is there, it can not alone and maintains contact.
In both exercises is obvious that the dog on a leash and muzzle should be secured. And they should long to hold out until the level of arousal in dogs is seen fallen for the dog to learn / realize that he is quiet, although it is exposed to the stimulus.
the end of the seminar Miriam explained once again how important the hormones in connection with the development of aggressive behavior and that existing imbalance in the hormonal balance through appropriate food gifts or tablets (vitamins, St. John's or indeed psychiatric drugs) influences positively can.
is very important to it - so her final word - mostly in the green train (ie positive) and the red area (eg the break-training) as small as possible.
me the seminar very much. Miriam's pragmatic, but was thoroughly class-pet-friendly approach. you expected the dogs to some, for sure. But a dog that has such problems, is also a disaster for himself - for his environmental course anyway and to that extent is a behavioral change for the better is always a better quality of life for the dog. I had not expected it, but I found it more gratifying that it has in many things very clearly distanced themselves from the animal-learn "basic idea" (eg stress, calming signals, anxiety). This also makes it has only won - so my vote: Highly recommended!
A little addendum: In the end, Mirjam still advertising their guard dog Help made. The concerns I am also quite worthy of support! ;)