individual meetings, seminars, courses, & Training open studio
heidelberg venue
individual meetings
artistic support /
art therapy private sessions
In art therapy, and artistic individual appointments may be in a protected environment, individually and intensely personal issues are addressed. New experiences can be used in rehearsal and then transferred into everyday life. A clear awareness, confidence and individual expression are encouraged.
for children, adolescents and adults (from age 2 years)
session à 6omin / 6o € + € ca.1o material
by appointment.
weekend seminars
Action Painting Action Painting
is a direct, dynamic painting technique, known in particular by the American artist Jackson Pollock. The focus is not placed on the subject, but a swift, fluid way of working. Practically, this can mean, in a relatively short intervals to ever new leaves the brush to move completely freely. Since casual work deliberately, Action Painting has a liberating effect that can affect all areas of life. No artistic experience necessary.
each weekend seminar for children, adolescents or adults
visual media: abstract painting
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Art & game - joy of life & Creativity
In the seminar Art & game gives playful approaches to art, found new and creative ways and tried. It should be about, without discovering one's own expectations and pressure to perform new creative potential. Zest for life and can easily be integrated with the experience gained here in everyday life. No artistic experience necessary.
weekend seminar for adults
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Therapeutic felt
wool is a nice soft material, characterized in particular by the technique of wet felting by an "open" character. It is allowed to develop freely, which may arise. The focus should not be standing here, the production of a certain product, but the experience can be made, while some still not preordained result. No previous experience required.
weekend seminar for adults
visual media: felt wool, textile
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
28o + ca.7o € € Material / Sat / Sun 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
Children's Art & Art Therapy
The artistic activity offers the opportunity to give the expression that moves, but left unsaid is - situations, feelings, needs and desires that can rationally find no expression. Content of the artistic and art therapy framework is to promote the creative potential of the child. So that it can develop freely, it is also within the group received tailored to the needs and ideas of the child being aware of any assessment takes place. In this protected space can open up the child and his confidence can be strengthened be. The child support is offered for personal development - and all without pressure to perform. No artistic experience necessary.
groups of children - 6x 9o min.
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 5 Pers.
insg.24o € (including materials)
Young Art
This course is specifically tailored to the needs of young people. You will no ordinary art class, but tips and suggestions for their own figures. With free, expressive painting, graffiti, new art forms such as room installation or performance art and much more experimented be. It will be offered the opportunity to express things which are otherwise (maybe) unsaid. Space for creativity and development is important here. Personal issues and questions can thereby be expressed and clarification. No artistic experience necessary.
group for young people - 6x 1o5 min.
artistic media: drawing, painting, sculpture
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
insg.24o € + € ca.1o8 material
Free painting - your own artistic process
In the course free painting is about finding a new, informal approach to the subject of art, to experience even a pictorial process and above all the joy that it is preparing to see that something new from their own hands.
Course I - Fundamentals
free agent exercises and playful casual approach to the subject of painting. Beyond pre-image patterns of the individual artistic process is stimulated.
Course II -
build on the basics of course I created building its own artistic theme that developed in sketches, studies and picturesque experiments. We work with different materials and techniques of painting.
Course III -
well are individual artistic approaches developed and the resulting issue ultimately led to his own work on canvas. The canvas is specially manufactured under guidance. Colors may be produced from pigments.
The courses are organized to build on each other. For course I no artistic knowledge is required. To participate in courses II and III have the relevant knowledge needed to be taught in each previous course.
course for adults
visual media: painting
number of participants: max. 5 Pers.
Course I & II each with 6 nights to 105 min. / Min + 24o € € ca.1o8 material
Course III 6 Evenings of 105th / 24o + ca.15o € € Material
open studio days
is for all participants in courses and seminars, the possibility of open studio days on which investigated the individual artistic work and this can be further developed.
Training -
process-oriented work in the artistic-art therapeutic medium
for therapeutic, psychological and educational staff
is decisive for the process-oriented work in the artistic-art therapeutic medium to a corresponding inner to develop posture, from which people can be led to a value-free and truly independent works, which in turn supports their individuation. The inner attitude is crucial in determining whether a profound inner process can be made possible. The training is tailored to professionals working in the therapeutic, psychological and / or educational field, aligned. With new artistic approaches and process-oriented free operation an expanded repertoire for practical work with people of different ages and topics will be given to the hand.
The training is divided into the following three interlocking modules:
first Practical module
process-oriented artistic and art therapy work experience itself
second Theory Module
Methodology & Theory
interior attitude
third Link between practice and theory
artistic processes encourage self-reflection and forward
Furthermore, for graduates of the training it is possible to obtain additional technical support and further reflection. No artistic experience necessary.
number of participants: max. 6 Pers.
1.32o € + € ca.24o material
3 weekends each Sat. / Sun. 1o.oo-17.oo clock (with breaks)
dates for seminars, courses and open studio days on request.
food and drinks are not included in the seminar fee.
bring is work clothing, which may be colored (coat, skirt, pants, shoes, etc.).
I will gladly offer you a personal example for groups, organizations, associations, businesses, etc. Make me a call.
to answer any questions I will happy to help.
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