Youth Media Protection State Treaty - Nothing is off the table and the pirates
The message to golem , the new draft of the Youth Media Protection State Treaty was in this form by the first table is good news. Let's face it - that this project was really bizarre, absurd! The
this design is off the table means, but also the are working on a new draft . It is expected that, in whatever manner by, the State Treaty on the web application.
What is discussed? How should child protection be implemented on the Internet? What's next? We do not know! We have to trust that 'trickle down' proposals and designs.
It may not be the subject of the broad public discourse need in the form No wonder then come out the bizarre designs - handled by "secret plans" are. This has nothing to do with democracy!
I call:
* Public meetings of the broadcasting commission !
* More transparent procedures, especially rapid publication and discussion of draft basics!
* citizen involvement in the discussion!
Let us JMStV vigils use to call for just that! A new JMStV come, even if this first draft should be off the table.
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