Doodledemokratie to encourage debate towards more Doodle is a nice simple tool if one knows how to use. It does not take much imagination to imagine that the experiment of democratic opinion formation would end quickly with a doodle in chaos.
democracy is not easy. She sits open discussion, consensus and the will for hard battle ahead of compromise and apply only as a last resort, virtually, open or secret ballot. It must be avoided that the interests of minorities are ignored and extremists gain the upper hand. Doodle can not do this: Democracy is not easy.
is now taken up the Pirate Party is important
prerequisites democratic opinion to defend, quite simply,
because no other party to this need with the attention does :
privacy (eg data protection, protection from surveillance)
free access to public information (this includes liberalization of copyright, network neutrality, but also transparency of state institutions, etc. pp.)
law (eg per presumption of innocence and against preventive Criminal)
We have already a large Area of responsibility.
Our privacy is compromised by the digital revolution is massive and acute. In access to public information, meanwhile, is threatening the giant opportunity of the Internet censorship and blocking laws to be missed. These findings are neither new, nor do they come from the Pirate Party. After the terrorist attacks on 11.9.2001, there have been a massive deterioration in these areas. experience
We, as threatened in other countries, these prerequisites for democracy and gradually be reduced: it may be in the UK with exuberant video surveillance, it is Italy, with the amalgamation of politics and the media, be it France HADOPI or Turkey with a locked youtube. We do not even China or Iran look to be aware of the danger!
course, there are very serious efforts to manipulate the exchange of views on the Internet to build a comprehensive censorship! A number of projects, proposed legislation and treaties threaten us. Here and now! It is our civic duty to act here, before it's too late!
It is time now to take this
with the vehicle "party" on the political stage .
So far, I hope so, agree with me all conform pirates. Up to this point, there are the pirates were, a file "
Doodledemokratiefähigkei t "may require a consensus of the man. One shy us.
products to the pirates at first but a rather homogeneous structure, the main part within the CCC, so by the hype of 2009, the first grouping has become more colorful considerably.
The initial grouping would probably much rather have been able to develop a full program. Yet it has not done it consciously. were too important and are the key issues than they wanted to carry it off, also could be seen not been widely sufficiently established.
Certainly the concept of "participatory
party" in the 2009 election campaign implicitly raised the expectation of any political content to be able to contribute and for that to get some attention. That was a mistake.
Many are now disappointed. conservative, anarchist, socialist, social democratic, liberal and libertarian settings can be just only a small intersection. This is to enclose the volume of
constitutional patriotism ("the Basic Law Party")
already have a good knowledge and can help us - carry far - with consistent application.
We must not overlook the fact that we thus a very heterogeneous bunch
of thinkers, amateur politicians, nerds, hackers, artists, classic alternative, gamers, professional politicians, butchers, Vegetarian, social workers, etc. .. are struggling even from quite different reasons for your freedom.
concretely, shortly before it was to vote on the root table of the Munich local one
Doodlekrieg a flamewar on the mailing list with all the usual slanders and insults. Is not it naive to assume that we could at least hammer out consensus or compromise on such economic issues, issues of climate policy or an opinion about comprehensive schools?
During the same time we build our party structure only ?
Are we not
risk us getting bogged down completely in and Doodlekrieg go under? This is radical or "spinner" possession of certain topics?
If we want to lead the party into the arbitrariness
if we lose our unique selling , it is a "Doodledemokratie" in which (without regard for consensus and compromise) majority decisions on all kinds of subjects are taken, the best way this!
If we want to keep the
heterogeneity of the Pirate Party as something desirable , it remains to us no other choice than to confine ourselves mainly to the above-mentioned core issues. Already this is an extensive field that our full attention required.
Furthermore, we should not invent the concept
"party" the wheel. Aware of the vehicle was "party" is selected,
this soup we must now spoon! As much as we resent the established parties also us as pirates, it is perfectly permissible to learn from the Greens, FDP or SPD where it recognized as working to incorporate the structures. They also consist of people and had similar teething problems as we do. We have the form of "party" is selected for the pirates and are just not a rabbit club! We've got professionals in our ranks (Tauss, Beer, Rusche), why we should not consult and
a little more professionalism dare? this is because of this pamphlet to lose my very real fear
our ability campaign. I see how much attention a Aaron, who, obviously, the joint line of the swallows leave Verfassungspatriotimus (Democratic base understanding on doodle-level, Islamophobia, "aggressive war"), is in dispute with the passion and emotion about banal party internals! And how little attention our specific issues such as
ELENA procedure ,
receive retention . Sun got my food fears.
With the unifying bond of constitutional patriotism, it is actually quite possible to isolate people like Aaron (why this is not the federal executive does is a complete mystery to me) or to discourage the start.
I want: * A clear distancing itself from the medium-term objective of a "full program" .
* A lean hierarchy
action and capable of making decisions boards. * Total
more professionalism dare . Professionalism also means to deal with the issues of 'permanent employees (see # forum fail) "and professional politicians.