lecture Ute Blaschke-Berthold
Topic: ' relaxation in the dog '
26/11/2010 Gelsenkirchen
Organizer: paws Academy
In subzero temperatures outside and inside, there was again a very good lecture by Dr. Ute in the paws academy. The theme: "relaxation in the dog." Why is this a major? - It's simple: Relaxation is the antagonist of excitation and excited dogs, there are now times in many situations and personalities, many dogs are also naturally excitable. Therefore, the fundamental building block in relaxation training Utes dog training.
Ute noted at the outset that the issue is not new: In 1958, the American psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe, a concept for systematic Desensitization in humans published by anxieties. Initially this therapy and therefore a prerequisite for their success was a relaxation training. As one good 20 years later, transferred the late seventies of last century, the desensitization therapy to dogs, one could not see the need for the relaxation training to perform well - the reasons for this were to include a different view and perception of the emotional world of the animal. This turned out to be mistakes.
Ute came in 2001 with the first relaxation training in contact and that an exchange with the American dog trainer Kayce Cover . This uses in her training, the conditioned relaxation, them with deep massage and also seeks to reach "forced massages". The idea behind problem behavior in dogs is often associated with an increased arousal (eg, concentration problems, distractibility, any behavior that is shown in anxiety, aggression and 'hyperactivity'). Relaxation weakens these behavioral responses from and helps the dog in certain situations to get back approachable.
Ute had several times that night out: The dog is not altered by this training in his personality that goal could not therefore be to 'revamp' the animal completely. This is pitched too high and could never be achieved through the relaxation training be. It is more a matter of "get a foot in the door" to dampen the excitement of the situation in behavior or divert it by other means (eg alternative behavior). Relaxation changed in principle, the reaction time, the intensity, duration and frequency of misconduct, but every dog has its own excitation profile and at a certain level of arousal is instinctive behavior automatically - only when the automatic payment in advance and thus interrupted in time and stopped, can affect the relaxation.
relaxation is triggered by touch, smell, posture and - not to be neglected and very important - A safe environment.
contribute Why relaxing touch?
The skin is the largest sensory organ of the body. Touches stimulate different sensory cells, depending on whether I will caress and superficially easy, and work with a lot of pressure and deeper massage. Depending on the approach different regions of the nervous system are activated. And negative stimuli may go out of touch - they can cause pain to happen, which unintentionally, but can not, of course relaxing effect on the individual.
Light touches arouse the autonomic nervous system and, more particularly where the parasympathetic nervous system. This 'Calm nerves' can be influenced by the individual is not aware of. Its mission is to provide the organism for rest, recreation and conservation. His opponent in the nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system whose job it is to get in a dangerous situation, the body too much effort as they can eg attack or escape behavior may be necessary. Once again: This nervous system is autonomous. The individual has no "conscious" control over it. The touch does so in any case. Animals behave in accordance with stressful situations: when they fear, for example, they press into corners or are reflected in its people. Of course, they thus offer less attack surface, but They also felt by the pressure on the skin that they are better.
Light and deeper, longer-lasting contacts also lead to the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin . This hormone has an enormous impact on the organism: it leads to a general relaxation, blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormone) drop, the greater pain tolerance, anxiety can be reduced, and stimulates positive social interaction. Especially when lying Contact this hormone is long lasting. It has its nickname hormone binding, therefore, that by this hormone in mammals, the group as its own and this special mother-child bond in the first place is possible. Physical contact, feeding heat, and fed - all this increases the oxytocin in the blood. But only if this happens with familiar group members. There is no way a risk that a "habituation effect" occurs, the opposite is the case of addictive behavior is triggered - touches are just beautiful! :)
Ute noted at the outset that the issue is not new: In 1958, the American psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe, a concept for systematic Desensitization in humans published by anxieties. Initially this therapy and therefore a prerequisite for their success was a relaxation training. As one good 20 years later, transferred the late seventies of last century, the desensitization therapy to dogs, one could not see the need for the relaxation training to perform well - the reasons for this were to include a different view and perception of the emotional world of the animal. This turned out to be mistakes.
Ute came in 2001 with the first relaxation training in contact and that an exchange with the American dog trainer Kayce Cover . This uses in her training, the conditioned relaxation, them with deep massage and also seeks to reach "forced massages". The idea behind problem behavior in dogs is often associated with an increased arousal (eg, concentration problems, distractibility, any behavior that is shown in anxiety, aggression and 'hyperactivity'). Relaxation weakens these behavioral responses from and helps the dog in certain situations to get back approachable.
Ute had several times that night out: The dog is not altered by this training in his personality that goal could not therefore be to 'revamp' the animal completely. This is pitched too high and could never be achieved through the relaxation training be. It is more a matter of "get a foot in the door" to dampen the excitement of the situation in behavior or divert it by other means (eg alternative behavior). Relaxation changed in principle, the reaction time, the intensity, duration and frequency of misconduct, but every dog has its own excitation profile and at a certain level of arousal is instinctive behavior automatically - only when the automatic payment in advance and thus interrupted in time and stopped, can affect the relaxation.
relaxation is triggered by touch, smell, posture and - not to be neglected and very important - A safe environment.
The skin is the largest sensory organ of the body. Touches stimulate different sensory cells, depending on whether I will caress and superficially easy, and work with a lot of pressure and deeper massage. Depending on the approach different regions of the nervous system are activated. And negative stimuli may go out of touch - they can cause pain to happen, which unintentionally, but can not, of course relaxing effect on the individual.
Light touches arouse the autonomic nervous system and, more particularly where the parasympathetic nervous system. This 'Calm nerves' can be influenced by the individual is not aware of. Its mission is to provide the organism for rest, recreation and conservation. His opponent in the nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system whose job it is to get in a dangerous situation, the body too much effort as they can eg attack or escape behavior may be necessary. Once again: This nervous system is autonomous. The individual has no "conscious" control over it. The touch does so in any case. Animals behave in accordance with stressful situations: when they fear, for example, they press into corners or are reflected in its people. Of course, they thus offer less attack surface, but They also felt by the pressure on the skin that they are better.
Light and deeper, longer-lasting contacts also lead to the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin . This hormone has an enormous impact on the organism: it leads to a general relaxation, blood pressure and cortisol levels (stress hormone) drop, the greater pain tolerance, anxiety can be reduced, and stimulates positive social interaction. Especially when lying Contact this hormone is long lasting. It has its nickname hormone binding, therefore, that by this hormone in mammals, the group as its own and this special mother-child bond in the first place is possible. Physical contact, feeding heat, and fed - all this increases the oxytocin in the blood. But only if this happens with familiar group members. There is no way a risk that a "habituation effect" occurs, the opposite is the case of addictive behavior is triggered - touches are just beautiful! :)
touches thus have a twofold positive effect on the body - they have the one about the nervous system and the other on the hormones relaxing.
Therefore, they are soothing for anxiety, aggression, and on impulse. Thus, stroking expressly permitted and desirable in these situations! This can not, as it is often misrepresented, the "undesirable" behavior are still encouraged. The body relaxed rather involuntarily by the TLC, which can contribute to a positive change in the situation. The only requirement that must be met for this is that the dog is accustomed to the touch and they actually relaxing effect, thus no irritation or even threaten it represents. The latter course would exacerbate the anxiety or aggression only.
There are no rules, where to touch the dog at best, and each dog has individual here Preferences that have to be found through good observation. Also, dogs are not like to be touched to be relaxed in this way. In this one works through the quiet touch of a hand or it's enough already, if they accept physical contact (eg by use of it).
Direct relaxation
As the name suggests, is touched with this form of relaxation of the dog in the situation "directly". Either by human hands or by means such as a Tellington Touch or a body belt Thunder Shirt . Such workers may well be helpful in dogs that can not handle well. Whether this actually the dog in the manner desired effect, however, must be checked particularly critical. In the words Ute, that probably inspired many of the effects of the shirt dog owners actually observe a different behavior in their dog as relaxed. Often one is confusing inhibited behavior with relaxed: The dog has become accustomed is slow, rolls out soon, etc. As soon as he (representing the the shirt for him) at the unpleasant stimulus, even the seemingly observed positive effect passé. Thus, one should schedule a test period of about two weeks and observe the dog closely to see if the shirt / belt actually acts so should act like it.
to practice construction (concrete to su): One should start with the relaxation exercises at home in a relaxed atmosphere out there and practice, first in poorer regions appealing. It is important that the dog has made the previous experience that he has been touched in the triggering situation of his people and he is doing well.
Ute was at this point a video clip with a German shepherd, who because of negative protection service prior experience a problem with the output of goods. The excitement in the dog was so great, the excitement level is so high that he relax the jaw was not at all in the situation. By a caress on the bridge of the nose to the muscles relaxed - and the dog was a toy from. Ute to take this opportunity also to the issue of play and relaxation "to touch on briefly: game is very important for the dog but also relaxation. Both should therefore be trained simultaneously. To a cycle phase (which should never be too long and too intense), it must always follow a relaxation phase, which should ideally be at least twice as long. The toys should remain aware of are in sight, so the dog learns to relax on the object. Learned excitement to the toy (such as "Ball Junkies" show) can be avoided in this way.
Conditioned relaxation
The conditioned or learned relaxation results from the direct relaxation: The so-induced relaxed state is associated with a stimulus (word / touch / smell / subject). This then becomes the signal for relaxation. So a classical conditioning . It is given to the following note: The sequence and timing is important: The localization, which can relax the dog very well by touch, should be clear. Before you touch the dog there, they say the word that you want to introduce a relaxation word ("Easy", "Relax", etc.), touches then takes his hand away again, the word is called again, strokes, etc . It does this no longer exercise periods. It is important that it be repeated several times and that on several days. Less well it works if you already occupies a relaxed dog with the word. However, this may in dogs that are not or only very reluctant to touch, can be one way forward.
dogs that have noise or thunderstorm fear, are a special case (to the Ute also offers special events;)), since this is more persistent states. The dogs should get in the situation, eg to visit a place where they can relax. In these cases, the link makes with an odor (see below) has a special meaning.
sources of error in training
The main source of error in training Ute sees that the Ansprechbarkeitsmoment, conditioned by the relaxation occurs, is not used in time. If the dog comes into the exciting, eliciting situation, then you have time before it is too intense (see above), the relaxation signal given - followed but must necessarily directly something more: should in most cases, next is a signal given on alternative performance be.
it's NOT the intention, the dog with constant repetition of the definition of relaxation is to bring the situation - then he is certainly not at all relaxed.
too often the localization is not determined accurately enough, that raises the most relaxed behavior. It should be on the "bedroom eyes" ;) Pay attention when you search for them. Ute spoke so beautifully of the "switch on the skin," must find the one and fold. :)
And very important and often forgotten: the relaxation signal is like a battery - it needs to be charged regularly again in order to function reliably. The link to the direct relaxation must therefore be made again and again.
It was still a very impressive video example for the operation of a well-conditioned relaxation signal. Utes dogs Kimi and Linux (both resources defender) playing with a Frisbee - a start, the second is to it gezergelt, the tension is rising - and Ute gives the signal "Easy": Both drop the Frisbee and immediately turn off in different directions and remain completely relaxed. WOW! In this case, a code of demolition without any threat or negative effect! As I said: Very convincing!
link with odors
Finally devoted Ute nor the relaxation using essential oils. Although they admit to themselves long been the aromatherapy in the "esoteric Pooh Corner", it has to be convinced in this case of research results. For 2004 was demonstrated in a specific investigation in a pet shelter in Dublin that vaporized by certain essential oils in kennels Dogs demonstrated behavioral changes showed. And while lavender and chamomile in a significant reduction in arousal levels, rosemary and peppermint caused the other hand, had an opposite effect.
2006 a further study (this time in rodents) on the operation of another essential oil, that of lemon. In this study the neurobiological effects also demonstrated clear: it had anxiolytic, it suppressed the activity of dopamine and had positive effect on the serotonin metabolism. Other oils, for a similar effect has been described, are the root of the angelica, rose and lavender. They all act like modern psychotropic drugs, are but weaker. They are all well suited for use with excitement that has to do with threat.
2010 finally has found another study that the oil has a jasmine such as Valium. This is particularly effective in not by fear-related arousal and has Utes in dogs, who thrive in a new environment not well, worked on vacation wonderful.
Essential oils are best used in a neutral oil (eg almond oil) and diluted to have a few drops of it on a neck cloth, we put aside the dog or the dishes.
applications are possible especially during persistent stress, such as visiting the vet, car trips, at Gewitter-/Silvesterangst or longer sections of a path.
Ute summed together the most important and finally ended her presentation again by pointing out that direct and conditioned relaxation may very well change the behavior of the dog in concrete situation, but it does not change dog in!
Again a very worthwhile event!
A little addendum: Martina Gauer has a beautiful presentation and put together " Conditioned relaxation " which constitutes the essence of Utes approach and illustrates with another short video clips.
Therefore, they are soothing for anxiety, aggression, and on impulse. Thus, stroking expressly permitted and desirable in these situations! This can not, as it is often misrepresented, the "undesirable" behavior are still encouraged. The body relaxed rather involuntarily by the TLC, which can contribute to a positive change in the situation. The only requirement that must be met for this is that the dog is accustomed to the touch and they actually relaxing effect, thus no irritation or even threaten it represents. The latter course would exacerbate the anxiety or aggression only.
There are no rules, where to touch the dog at best, and each dog has individual here Preferences that have to be found through good observation. Also, dogs are not like to be touched to be relaxed in this way. In this one works through the quiet touch of a hand or it's enough already, if they accept physical contact (eg by use of it).
Direct relaxation
As the name suggests, is touched with this form of relaxation of the dog in the situation "directly". Either by human hands or by means such as a Tellington Touch or a body belt Thunder Shirt . Such workers may well be helpful in dogs that can not handle well. Whether this actually the dog in the manner desired effect, however, must be checked particularly critical. In the words Ute, that probably inspired many of the effects of the shirt dog owners actually observe a different behavior in their dog as relaxed. Often one is confusing inhibited behavior with relaxed: The dog has become accustomed is slow, rolls out soon, etc. As soon as he (representing the the shirt for him) at the unpleasant stimulus, even the seemingly observed positive effect passé. Thus, one should schedule a test period of about two weeks and observe the dog closely to see if the shirt / belt actually acts so should act like it.
to practice construction (concrete to su): One should start with the relaxation exercises at home in a relaxed atmosphere out there and practice, first in poorer regions appealing. It is important that the dog has made the previous experience that he has been touched in the triggering situation of his people and he is doing well.
Ute was at this point a video clip with a German shepherd, who because of negative protection service prior experience a problem with the output of goods. The excitement in the dog was so great, the excitement level is so high that he relax the jaw was not at all in the situation. By a caress on the bridge of the nose to the muscles relaxed - and the dog was a toy from. Ute to take this opportunity also to the issue of play and relaxation "to touch on briefly: game is very important for the dog but also relaxation. Both should therefore be trained simultaneously. To a cycle phase (which should never be too long and too intense), it must always follow a relaxation phase, which should ideally be at least twice as long. The toys should remain aware of are in sight, so the dog learns to relax on the object. Learned excitement to the toy (such as "Ball Junkies" show) can be avoided in this way.
Conditioned relaxation
The conditioned or learned relaxation results from the direct relaxation: The so-induced relaxed state is associated with a stimulus (word / touch / smell / subject). This then becomes the signal for relaxation. So a classical conditioning . It is given to the following note: The sequence and timing is important: The localization, which can relax the dog very well by touch, should be clear. Before you touch the dog there, they say the word that you want to introduce a relaxation word ("Easy", "Relax", etc.), touches then takes his hand away again, the word is called again, strokes, etc . It does this no longer exercise periods. It is important that it be repeated several times and that on several days. Less well it works if you already occupies a relaxed dog with the word. However, this may in dogs that are not or only very reluctant to touch, can be one way forward.
dogs that have noise or thunderstorm fear, are a special case (to the Ute also offers special events;)), since this is more persistent states. The dogs should get in the situation, eg to visit a place where they can relax. In these cases, the link makes with an odor (see below) has a special meaning.
sources of error in training
The main source of error in training Ute sees that the Ansprechbarkeitsmoment, conditioned by the relaxation occurs, is not used in time. If the dog comes into the exciting, eliciting situation, then you have time before it is too intense (see above), the relaxation signal given - followed but must necessarily directly something more: should in most cases, next is a signal given on alternative performance be.
it's NOT the intention, the dog with constant repetition of the definition of relaxation is to bring the situation - then he is certainly not at all relaxed.
too often the localization is not determined accurately enough, that raises the most relaxed behavior. It should be on the "bedroom eyes" ;) Pay attention when you search for them. Ute spoke so beautifully of the "switch on the skin," must find the one and fold. :)
And very important and often forgotten: the relaxation signal is like a battery - it needs to be charged regularly again in order to function reliably. The link to the direct relaxation must therefore be made again and again.
It was still a very impressive video example for the operation of a well-conditioned relaxation signal. Utes dogs Kimi and Linux (both resources defender) playing with a Frisbee - a start, the second is to it gezergelt, the tension is rising - and Ute gives the signal "Easy": Both drop the Frisbee and immediately turn off in different directions and remain completely relaxed. WOW! In this case, a code of demolition without any threat or negative effect! As I said: Very convincing!
link with odors
Finally devoted Ute nor the relaxation using essential oils. Although they admit to themselves long been the aromatherapy in the "esoteric Pooh Corner", it has to be convinced in this case of research results. For 2004 was demonstrated in a specific investigation in a pet shelter in Dublin that vaporized by certain essential oils in kennels Dogs demonstrated behavioral changes showed. And while lavender and chamomile in a significant reduction in arousal levels, rosemary and peppermint caused the other hand, had an opposite effect.
2006 a further study (this time in rodents) on the operation of another essential oil, that of lemon. In this study the neurobiological effects also demonstrated clear: it had anxiolytic, it suppressed the activity of dopamine and had positive effect on the serotonin metabolism. Other oils, for a similar effect has been described, are the root of the angelica, rose and lavender. They all act like modern psychotropic drugs, are but weaker. They are all well suited for use with excitement that has to do with threat.
2010 finally has found another study that the oil has a jasmine such as Valium. This is particularly effective in not by fear-related arousal and has Utes in dogs, who thrive in a new environment not well, worked on vacation wonderful.
Essential oils are best used in a neutral oil (eg almond oil) and diluted to have a few drops of it on a neck cloth, we put aside the dog or the dishes.
applications are possible especially during persistent stress, such as visiting the vet, car trips, at Gewitter-/Silvesterangst or longer sections of a path.
Ute summed together the most important and finally ended her presentation again by pointing out that direct and conditioned relaxation may very well change the behavior of the dog in concrete situation, but it does not change dog in!
Again a very worthwhile event!
A little addendum: Martina Gauer has a beautiful presentation and put together " Conditioned relaxation " which constitutes the essence of Utes approach and illustrates with another short video clips.